Voice and Vino 2022 supporting LifeSpan Resources

Belden's wife works in a similar organization as CEO at a non-profit in Louisville and that supporting LifeSpan’s mission of caring and assisting the aging and disabled is something that is close to both of their hearts and a civic responsibility to do what they can.
Usually called by his last name–Beldon, Jonathan is a New Albany native and went to Providence High School. He received his Associate Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelors in Economics and Public Policy from IUS.
Beldon, is self employed and works in finance and eCommerce, is married with three children.
When not working he loves spending time with his wife and children and when it comes to his hobbies, he loves analyzing markets, geopolitics, trading and investing.
When asked why he decided to perform at Voice and Vino, he said that his wife works in a similar organization as CEO at a non-profit in Louisville and that supporting LifeSpan’s mission of caring and assisting the aging and disabled is something that is close to both of their hearts and a civic responsibility to do what they can.