Rock the Ride

Start Off Strong Checklist:

• Take a few minutes to personalize your fundraising page. You can add pictures and update the text in several areas to encourage your network to give generously. You can download photos from past Rock the Ride events HERE at no cost.

Lead by example and make a self-donation to your page if you can.

Check out the FUNDRAISING TOOL KIT for tips and ideas.

Send emails, texts, and post on social media. 

 Use the campaign hashtag #rocktheridejh when posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Make sure to thank your donors and enter any offline donations you receive.

Keys to Success:

Make it personal. Customize the messages and images you share on your fundraising page, social media, email, text, etc. These are great opportunities to highlight why this cause is so important to you and will inspire your network to give even more!

Set a goal. And make a plan to reach it! See the FUNDRAISING TOOL KIT for ideas, including how to raise $250 (or more) in just one week! Focus on actions like emailing, texting, posting, and asking for specific donation amounts that will help get you to your goal.

PRO TIP: If you are getting close to or exceed your fundraising goal, you can update it to reach for a new goal! To do this, log in and go to the Manage My Page  Personalize Your Page tab (left side menu). Here, you will be able to update the amount in the “What is your personal fundraising goal?” section.

Make it fun. Consider going “live” on social media, fun challenges, small incentives, shoutouts, events and other ways to have fun while raising money! 

PRO TIP: Host your own fundraising event! Host a yoga class, cocktail party, trivia night, or a fitness class of your choice at VIM for no cost. Easily create a custom event from your page; go to MANAGE MY PAGE (top right) > HOST YOUR OWN FUNDRAISING EVENT (left-hand navigation)

Create a sense of urgency. To help move people to act quickly, consider ways you can create a sense of urgency throughout your fundraising. Can you create micro-goals to promote via social media (e.g., help me raise $100 today, etc.)? Can you use mission messages to inspire your network to donate right away? Brainstorm some other ways to engage everyone throughout your fundraiser. People love a challenge!

Work your connections. Do you know a company who might want to sponsor your fundraiser or a business owner who might want to donate a portion of their proceeds? Reach out to share details about Rock On Society to see if they want to get involved. Do you know someone with a large social media following? Ask them to help you promote the fundraiser on their channels. You will be surprised how many people will want to help if you ask them to!

Have a follow up plan. People are busy and may not be able to donate when you ask them to. Think of some follow up messages you can send your network to encourage continued support. Creating a follow up plan will help ensure that you reach your goals. You’ve got this!

PRO TIP: It’s best to wait about 5-7 days between each individual touchpoint. If you’ve emailed someone once or twice already, consider switching it up by texting them next time. Post on social media about 1-2x per week and mix it up by using different platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and perhaps even LinkedIn. Space it out and mix it up!

Show thanks. Show the love and share words and actions of thanks whenever you can! Send thank you messages, give social media shoutouts to donors, highlight the impact of giving, etc. Your supporters will be grateful for anything you do to thank them for giving and sharing throughout your campaign!