Brand Guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions, and Liability Waiver
You play an important role in not only fueling but also driving our mission forward. By creating your event, you are turning your passion into a purpose and helping the Foundation accelerate cures for IBD patients. If questions arise beyond the FAQs below, please reach out to Melissa Scott at for additional support.
All fundraisers benefiting the Foundation must be reputable and in line with the mission and core values of the Foundation. All participants must understand that DIY events are not produced by the Foundation.
Our mission extends through everything we do. The Foundation’s brand identity, which includes our logo, colors, typography, and secondary graphics, creates the Foundation’s brand. Refer to the “Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Brand Guidelines” for the tools and assets you need to further our mission through DIY fundraising.
1. How do I submit fundraising donations?
Please send a check(s) made payable to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Please include our Offline Donation Form to accompany donations made by check (and/or include your DIY event name in the memo of the check) to ensure your gifts are applied to your fundraiser.
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
ATTN: DIY Fundraising
733 Third Avenue, Ste. 510
New York, NY 10017
2. How can I see who has donated to me?
Sign into your fundraising dashboard and click on View My Page at the top of the left navigation menu. You'll find the list of donors under your thermometer. You can also scroll down to Timeline to view your donation history.
3. Can donors receive an acknowledgment of their donation?
Donations made by check payable to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation will receive a tax acknowledgment. Donations made by check payable to the third-party organizer will NOT receive a tax acknowledgment. A payment to the Foundation compiling all checks/cash received at an event would result in a single tax acknowledgment for the individual(s) writing the check. Online donations made through your DIY page will receive an emailed tax acknowledgment.
4. Can the Foundation assist with the costs?
No, the Foundation does not pay any associated expenses with third-party fundraisers. Donations made directly to a third-party event can be used to cover the event’s expenses, but they are not tax deductible and the Foundation will not issue acknowledgments of these donations. In your planning process, be sure to develop a budget and brainstorm potential costs related to your fundraiser.
5. Can I use the Foundation’s tax-exempt status when purchasing materials?
Organizers of DIY fundraisers cannot use the Foundation’s tax exemption status in conjunction with third-party fundraisers. However, Foundation staff can provide a verification letter confirming the organizer’s intent to fundraise for the Foundation upon request.
6. How can I accept corporate donations?
Yes, corporate donations and in-kind donors can be a great way to involve your local community. Corporate donors can reduce costs and assist in community awareness. To ensure corporate gifts are applied to your fundraiser ask donors to give directly through your event page or via check with a completed Corporate Donation form.
Please Note: The Foundation reserves the right to decline a third-party fundraiser. All DIY fundraisers benefiting the Foundation must be reputable and in line with the mission and core values of the Foundation. All event participants must understand that DIY fundraisers are not produced by the Foundation.