Fundraising Toolkit

Six Ways to Raise $300

The earlier you begin your fundraising campaign, the more success you’ll have in reaching your goal. This six-step program will help you along the way.

  1. Start with your own donation $25
  2. Ask four friends to donate ($15 x 4) $60
  3. Ask five family members ($25 x 5) $125
  4. Ask four co-workers ($10 x 4) $40
  5. Ask three neighbors ($10 x 3) $30
  6. Ask two local merchants you visit frequently $20
  7. Total Raised: $300

Did You Know?

  • Since it launched in 2009, more than 80,000 runners and walkers have participated in the WCS Run for the Wild at the Bronx Zoo.
  • Participants, donors and sponsors have raised nearly $10 million to help WCS save gorillas, tigers, elephants, penguins, lions and other endangered wildlife at the Bronx Zoo and around the world.
  • In previous years, participants ran in full gorilla costumes with tutus, tiger stripes, tuxedos, lion manes, and elephant trunks. What will you wear?

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