2025 Tucson Subaru Pets of Pima Parade & Friends of PACC Festival

The 2025 Tucson Subaru Pets of Pima Parade will take place Sunday, March 2 from 10:00am - 11:30am. The Parade starts at 6th Ave and 2nd Street, progressing south on 6th Ave to 7th Street where it turns east to conclude at 5th Ave and 7th Street.

In addition to hundreds of adorable pets, the Tucson Subaru Pets of Pima Parade showcases floats, bands, dance groups, cosplayers, classic cars, and more. Pets of all species are welcome in the Parade, with the exception of full size horses. There are special parade segments for different pets, although participants can walk with your team or business regardless of the type of pet they bring.

• Raising Cane’s Procesión de los Perros: Dogs rule during this Parade segment. Hundreds of cool, cuddly, and cute canines will strut their stuff. Some will be all dressed up, and some will be the adorable way nature made them. 

• TEP Cat Convoy: Cats are king during the TEP Cat Convoy. There will be cats on leashes in strollers and in carriers riding a double-decker bus. There will even be cats on Petsicles. We love our cats and want the whole world to see them.

• GEICO Pet Pride: All other companion animals take center stage during the Pet Pride segment of the Parade. Ever seen a turkey on a leash? Or a turtle in a trailer? Do you know what a herd of pigs is called? (fun to Google that one) See and discover for yourself at this one-of-kind experience.

• Nature Med Human-Animal Bond: A very special section of the Parade, in this segment we celebrate all the local organizations that promote and strengthen the bond between people and their pets. Working together, these groups help make Pima County a better place for both pets and people. 

Register to walk with your pet(s) in the Parade today. Secure your spot and parade participant gifts by raising $50 to help homeless and vulnerable animals in our community. 

If your business is interested in having a team or float in the Parade or your performance group is interested in the event, please email torre@friendsofpacc.org.