2022 YMCA Annual Campaign supporting the health and wellness of our community

Janet joined the Ransburg YMCA back in June of 2021. Her husband passed away in February. Janet married late in life, so after her husband passed, she didn’t have any other family. It was a hard decision to join the Y. She was anxious about getting back into a bathing suit and going to water aerobics. She did it and loved it! The Y has touched her life. The water aerobics participants and staff have become her community. The Ransburg YMCA has helped her thrive! She has tried Silver Sneakers classes and now even works out with Kelli, a personal trainer. She feels very welcomed at the Ransburg YMCA. The member services staff greet her by name when she comes in. The maintenance lady even asks her how she is doing! She even walked by Bible study and stood in the corner for a little while. She felt comforted just by listening to them. Janet is very grateful for the Ransburg YMCA. She doesn’t just get physical exercise at the YMCA, but exercise for her heart.